School Day Out
School Day Out is a program that provides care on days St. John's School is not in session. It is under the direction of Gloria Roggow. Our calendar of operation is below along with our hours of operation, all safety procedures, and our snack and lunch information. To sign up for the school day out program at St. John's School click below.
Hours of Operation
K-8th School Day Out—(7:30 am – 5:30 pm)
When St. John's School is not in session for a full day, we provide care as indicated on the school day-out calendar.
* $65 a day
K-8th ½ School Day Out—(11:30 am – 5:30 pm)
When St. John's School is not in session for a half day, we provide care as indicated on the school day out calendar.
* $35 a day
1. Parents (or an adult authorized on the emergency form) who drop off or pick up a child MUST enter the school and sign in/out the child under their name on the KidCheck computers.
2. Your children will be supervised at all times by qualified staff, with a ratio of 1:15 or lower.
For our check-in/out process, an online program called KidCheck is used.
If you have not yet created an account with KidCheck, please do so prior to care by clicking the button below or downloading the Android/iOS App. One parent/guardian must create the account and be listed as the primary guardian for KidCheck purposes, and add other parents/guardians to the account. Parents/Guardians should not create separate accounts.
Snack and Lunch
Please provide lunch on “½ School Day Out” days and “School Day Out” days; a snack will be served, with costs included in the program.
Hot lunch is NOT offered on these days. Breakfast will not be served.